MWA Nova Message

Dear friends and business partners,

As a reliable manufacturer, MWA Nova always tries to comply with the agreements and strives for professional communication.

None of us could have imagined the dramatic situation in which we would now find ourselves.

The daily updates of the Coronavirus and its worldwide impact force us to react.

Like all companies, we have reviewed and recalibrated our work calendar week after week and almost daily to make all necessary decisions when the situation requires it.

To this end, we have regrettably postponed our upcoming installations and operator training due to travel restrictions until the situation returns to normal.

Furthermore, in accordance with applicable German law, we will stop production from Monday, March 23, 2020 until further notice.

Although we cannot meet in person, we can and will continue to communicate online and in a virtual environment.

The MWA support team as well as our sales team will be available and are working on reducing the impact of Coronavirius as much as possible and working on online solutions.

The entire MWA team wishes you all a safe habour wherever you are, and if we can help you in these difficult times, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.

All will be well!

Take good care of everyone.

Your MWA Team